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Maerchen Maedchen Anime Finally Released!

For those who didn’t know, Maerchen Maedchen, also written as Märchen Mädchen had some more then little delays in it’s release. Starting January of 2018 this anime just had the last two episodes of it’s 12 episode run release about a week ago.

Maerchen Maedchen PV

This is a story about girls (called “Maedchen”) who are selected by “Origin”. They attend school of witchcraft located all over the world to wield their magic and become first-rate “Origin Masters”. Their goal is to win at the annual Hexennacht competition, where representatives of each school compete in their abilities to wield their magic. The winner gets to have one wish magically granted. Due to lack of members, Japan might not be able to attend the annual competition this year. but things start to change when one day Shizuka Tsuchimikado, the leader of Japan meets Hazuki Kagimura.


You can watch it here

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