Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories was original anime shorts of six-minute horror stories based on urban legends. The shorts are inspired by Shōwa-era illustrated paper theater productions. I had watch a small number of them but not being into horror I can’t say I enjoyed the show but I did find the way they made the show to be quite interesting. It feels less like watching anime and more like getting a story told to you with pictures and little animation.
There has been 6 seasons already released of Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories which tell me that the horror fans must be enjoying the show over there in japan. Crunchy roll has all 6 seasons available with subtitles. Now they are going to make a 7th season that will premiere this July.
Sentai Filmworks has licensed the first two seasons of the series and gave a subtitle release on home video back in 2016. Now they have annouce that they are going to Dub the anime and release it later this year. I have a feeling they may just start with the first two seasons and make sure people are interested before the dub the rest. Sentai Filmworks are connected to Hidive so I assume they may appear there.
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