The first of the Atelier games came out in 1997 and came out for a number of systems. Many being ports with enhancements. But pass the first game the main focus as been the play station. Although we wouldn’t get a single Atelier game till the 6th game and 3rd series name Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana. Many times there are two or three games that happen within the same world. Often time called a Series, allowing you to meet some characters from the last game. Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana though is the first of a trilogy making it a good starting point to start in.
Fast forward to today and Japan has had 19 releases of the Atelier Series games. A game released last month in Japan that is being release here in the states Next month on March 26, 2019 . This game is Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists: Atelier of the New Land. While Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists isn’t treated as part of the Atelier Series itself it is very much a massive love letter to those who like the Atelier Series. There was advertised to have over 100 characters in total. As they first tease this game after releasing the top 40 Atelier characters from a poll done in Japan it’s safe to say many fan favorites will be found in this game.
The Games Story ~
The main character is a young noblewoman. Her task is to build a flourishing town on a new land. Nelke, the main character, is a very inquisitive young noblewoman. After a certain development, she was appointed as a governor of the borderland village of Westbald. Though she struggles with her duties of developing the village at first, legendary alchemists from past titles in the “Atelier” series offer her their aid.

The town feature is a new feture to Atelier games, but really, as your not playing an alchemist for once it’s a change of pace. This is likely the reason why it’s not thought of as an Atelier series game. Here what is said about the town feature “In order to develop Westbald, she must first open a small shop and begin her task of developing the village.Then, she must use the funds she earns from her shop to prepare new buildings and facilities, attracting people to gather at her charming village as it develops.”
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