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Anime Hidden Gem Reviews

Hidden Gem Review, In/Spectre

What is the Premise?

In a world full of spirits known as youkai, live a girl who became a mediator between the two realms by giving up an eye and a leg. Later at a local hospital, Kotoko find a man she become very interested in name Kurou Sakuragawa. While the spirits don’t see him as human she find him very interested and wish to date him.

What type of show is it?

This show try it’s hand at trying to be different. While it may seem like a action anime at first it’s more of a mystery anime. With a heavy focus on dialog the anime itself isn’t very heavy with it’s action. I would compare it to Monogatari series in how it tries to showcase itself though it’s clearly set in a different sort of world and made for a different crowd.

Is it a Hidden Gem?

If you didn’t like Monogatari because of it ‘talks too much’ your not likely to like this one ether. But even if you like Monogatari I feel this anime isn’t as enjoyable in it’s writing, which is the main focus of the anime. But I’m also not calling it bad mind you. It also feel the anime skipped a lot of content to get to the more funner parts of it’s source material. While the time skip is a little jaring, but I found the final arch to be quite interesting.

Rating : A Rough Gem!
An Anime that is interesting and it fun to watch! but didn’t really establish itself to be above the others.

How much of it is there?

One Season is out for this show.
You can watch Sub or dub

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